Set up Terms

  • Updated

Want to use our new nugget, but don't know where to start?

We'll explain it all here 🤗


Summary in a sentence: 1 widget, 2 ways to create it 🪄!


🥇 Option 1 (recommended)
With just a few clicks, import your own text in Word


If you've already got your text hot off the press, no further effort is required. You can import it directly into the back-office, and poof, it'll create your widget with everything you need, right where you need it, with no further need 🪄

All you have to do is enter your text in Word format, using the exemple available here:

👉 I download the exemple👈 

Or directly accessible from the backoffice:


Once you've done the Word formatting, you can import your document into your backoffice by clicking on “Import a Word document”. At the very bottom of the page:



Confirm the import and the widget appears with your text and its sections and subsections, which are created directly according to the screens.

If you wish to modify anything, simply click directly on the text to be corrected.

For the rest, use the tabs on the side:



Configuration settings: modify information related to the current configuration
Current section settings: modify the content of the screen you're working on
Sections: view all widget screens and modify their order or create new ones
Widget texts: modify widget button texts
Users: list of users invited to work on the widget


🥈 Option 2

Create your widget and texts directly in the customization area.


With Terms you can create and customize your texts and typography directly in the preview area.

The fold-out menus on the right allow you to manage the more general parameters of the widget and the various sections of your document.

Follow the interactive guide and let yourself be carried away by the experience!

Spoiler alert: click on the flashing dots


Link to guide:


Registration 📼

Once you've created your widget, all you have to do is register it by clicking on “Create a new version”.



Before confirming registration by clicking on “Create version”, select the type of changes made (Major, Localized or Cosmetic).

Depending on the extent of the change, the widget will automatically ask visitors who have previously interacted with it for their consent.



Refresh your page, then click on the “Version” tab and you'll see the latest version of the widget.



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