4 - Integration and publication

  • Updated

1. Deploying the widget on your site

Once your cookie widget is finalized, go to the "Integration on your website" section:

In this section, you will find the script that allows you to integrate Axeptio on your site.

window.axeptioSettings = {
 cookiesVersion: "myCookiesVersion",
  googleConsentMode: {
    default: {
      analytics_storage: "denied",
      ad_storage: "denied",
      ad_user_data: "denied",
      ad_personalization: "denied",
      wait_for_update: 500
(function(d, s) {
  var t = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], e = d.createElement(s);
  e.async = true; e.src = "//static.axept.io/tcf/sdk.js"; e.type = "module";
  t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t);
})(document, "script");

In order for Axeptio to have control over your other services, it is recommended to load this script as early as possible on your site, for example at the top of your <head> tag.

Once the script is integrated into your site, don't forget to publish your Axeptio project if it has not already been done in order to put your widget online on our servers.

The cookie widget should now appear on your site.


2. Conditioning your third-party services to consent

Now that Axeptio is well integrated on your site, we will see how to submit your various third-party services to consent.

For IAB vendors:

IAB vendors, that is, services that are compatible with the IAB's TCF protocol, automatically read consent via the tcString. So, for all these services, you won't have to do anything more. You can find the complete list of IAB vendors here:


If you encounter problems integrating Axeptio with an IAB vendor, check that Axeptio is well loaded and therefore the TCF protocol is well initialized, before loading the vendor.

For other services:

Services that are not compatible with the IAB's TCF protocol must be managed manually, so that they are not loaded until the user has consented.

1. If you load these services via Google Tag Manager

When updating consent, Axeptio sends an "axeptio_update" event to Google Tag Manager, as well as an "axeptio_authorized_vendors" variable, which contains the list of all accepted services:

You can use this event and this variable to condition your GTM tags, so that they are only triggered if the service to which they are attached has been accepted.

For example, I have a Facebook Pixel initialization tag, currently triggered as soon as the page loads ("All pages").

Instead of this trigger, I will be able to create a new one based on the Axeptio event:

To create the "axeptio_authorized_vendors" variable, go to the "Variables" section of your GTM, then create a new one. In the variable type, select the banner at the top "Discover more variable types in the community model gallery" and look for the Axeptio model:

All that remains is to name your variable:


2. If you load these services directly in your site's code, you can follow this documentation:

Custom integration / synchronisation

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