Axeptio Connection with Piano Analytics

Tech Team
Tech Team
  • Updated

When you activate our Piano Analytics connector, Axeptio will send 2 events to Piano Analytics.


- Your site must be marked with the Piano Analytics SDK.
- You have a medium or higher plan with Axeptio.

Installation Guide

 1 - Activate the Analytics Connector in your Axeptio back office

When you are on your project, click on the gear icon and then Analytics Connectors.

Activate the Piano Analytics integration.

  1. Check the box to enable the service. The events consent.display and consent.answer will be sent.
  2. Check the box if you want to manage privacy mode via Axeptio. (The privacy mode will be updated if the user accepts the Piano Analytics vendors in the Axeptio widget).

Publish your widget with Piano Analytics enabled.

2 - Customize the Piano Analytics Data Model

The Axeptio connector requires the declaration of two events in the Piano Analytics data model.

Go to your Piano Analytics interface to define the model.

The events can be declared from the interface Data Management > Data Model > Events from the above elements. More information [here](

  • consent.display (On site) - Event corresponding to the display of the Axeptio widget.
  • consent.answer (On site) - Event corresponding to an explicit response from the user (click on a button, click on the cross, saving preferences, etc.).

And two properties related to the consent.answer event:

The properties can be declared from the interface Data Management > Data Model > Properties from the above elements. More information [here](

  • privacy_consent_value (string) - Property indicating the value of the expressed consent: 'full', 'partial', or 'refusal'.
  • privacy_consent_type (boolean) - Property indicating the type (binary) of the expressed consent: true for full or partial consent, or false for refusal.

Verify Implementation

You can use the Chrome extension: Piano Analytics Tag Inspector.

Or simply the Piano interface, where events arrive in near real-time (1-minute delay for refresh).

Here are the events you can retrieve in the tag inspector if everything is configured correctly:

And in the Piano Analytics interface:

Statistics / Reporting Analysis

Now that you have all the data stored in Piano Analytics, you can use the full power of the tool to better understand your stats, interactions with the CMP, and consent.

We recommend the article written by Piano Analytics that details many possibilities.

Piano Analytics article on Axeptio CMP performance and stats































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