5. Integration and data release ✅

  • Updated

First of all, you’ll need to find the corresponding script. You have to copy it and…paste it !

  1. Go to you project page in the Axeptio back office
  2. Click on "Integration" on the side bar 
<script>window.axeptioSettings = {
  clientId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  cookiesVersion: "xxxxx"

(function(d, s) {
  var t = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], e = d.createElement(s);
  e.async = true; e.src = "//static.axept.io/sdk.js";
  t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t);
})(document, "script");
  • Script integration on your website

    Add the script to your website code

    • Either in the <head> tag .
    • Or before the closing </body> tag.

✅  For better performance, we advice you the second option.

  • Through a Tag Manager


Click on the “New” box ( cf the red frame)

Configure Tag

In the opening page :

  • Choose “Customised HTML” from the list


  • Paste the Axeptio script in the HTML box


Then all you need to do is chose a Trigger :

  • Click on the Trigger Box
  • Select the trigger named “All Pages” or “Viewed pages” to load Axeptio as soon asCapture_d__cran_2022-06-16___16.49.54.png
  • Lastly, name your tag and save it :


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