Can I block navigation until user gives his consent ?

Serge LAKE
Serge LAKE
  • Updated

We have received mixed feedback from customers who have opted for this approach. Not only does it increase the bounce rate, but it also causes significant damage to the user experience.

This can often negatively affect your site's brand image, as well as the brand image of the Axeptio solution.

Our feedback is based on excessive cases of e-commerce sites in the field of advertising, re-targeting, and re-marketing and can be summed up as follows:

  1. The user sees an ad and visits the site
  2. The screen prompts for consent, and the user is blocked
  3. The user leaves, and their session is not included in the opt-in rate
  4. The result: A lower conversion rate

Typically, our customers prefer having less data over a lost conversion!

 We have developed a context-based consent wall to address this issue.

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